
Setting Up Repast Simphony 2.1 in Linux

Repast Simphony is a Java based collection of agent-based modeling and simulation software. Repast Simphony 2.1 installs its library files into ~/.eclipse/ECLIPSEVERSION/plugins/ and features/ when you create the model it looks for these files in /opt/eclipse/plugins/ and /features This issue has been brought up and added to the issue tracker as of 2013-09-30 User mijael posted a solution to the Repast Interest Mailing list about creating symlinks to the /opt directory:

Installing Eclipse in Ubuntu 13.10

Adapted answer from Shubhmay and TimD on askubuntu on installing Eclipse. Extract the eclipse.XX.YY.tar.gz file: tar -zxvf eclipse.XX.YY.tar.gz Copy the extracted folder to /opt: sudo cp -r eclipse /opt Create a desktop file gedit eclipse.desktop copy the following to the eclipse.desktop file [Desktop Entry] Name=Eclipse Type=Application #Exec=eclipse Exec=env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 eclipse # for menubar bug in 13.10 Terminal=false Icon=eclipse Comment=Integrated Development Environment NoDisplay=false Categories=Development;IDE; Name[en]=Eclipse Execute the following command to automatically install it in the unity: sudo desktop-file-install eclipse.

Setting up a WebDAV Client for Courseworks

Columbia University’s Courseworks website allows you to download files for a registered class. A problem arises when multiple files needed to be downloaded simultaneously. One simply cannot just select the files and bulk download them. Courseworks have instructions to circumvent this limitation in the web interface by implementing a WebDAV client. However, other than Cyberduck under their Mac instructions, the Windows suggestion is quite limited. In this post I discuss setting up a WebDAV Client for Windows and Mac.